In the midst of the hustle and bustle of busy daily lives, great determination is required to carve out the time and energy to strengthen our relationships. The purpose this space is to create a container to collect and store the seeds of insight that will encourage you and your relationships to flourish.
We are all inextricably part of relationships. We are all children. Every single one of us loves another. Yet, who teaches us to survive and thrive in these relationships? Many of us spend 12, 16, 18 years - heck, sometimes two decades - in formal education to equip us with the skills we need as workers and civic contributors, but we are expected to absorb relationship skills "on the job" by observing others around us. It's no wonder that our relationships -- the very roots of love that feed us -- are sometimes the source of our deepest struggles!
I invite you to share your insights here and take away any seeds you choose to plant in your relationships. I hope together we can create the strong and healthy relationships that nurture and honor our most sacred selves.